Monday, September 3, 2012

China Journal Post 10 - The Flight Over

Remember, these posts are being made by my dad, from material I (Dianna) send him.  He has a tendency to ad lib a bit, too, and since I can't access Blogger from China, I can't edit or censor his, um, poetic license.

You know that saying, a picture is worth a thousand words?  Well… I could easily write a thousand words about each of the pictures I’ve taken here.  And then some!  There is just so much amazing stuff here! I’ll try to keep things interesting to read, but I just want to document everything, even if it’s just for my future self.  I never want to forget the amazing things I’m doing and seeing here.  That said, I will begin.

The thirteen hour flight was very long, obviously.  But very fancy.  I had my own private entertainment center.  This little doohickey had numerous movies and TV Shows to choose from, games to play, and an up to date forecast of how our trip was going. This was particularly nice because despite most everyone in the group flying on the same plane, our seats were not together.

Nearer the end of the flight, I suddenly smelled something horrible.  It smelled as if the guy next to me just had terrible breath and just breathed my way.  Disgusted, I looked away and tried to hold my nose until the smell passed.  Unfortunately, it didn’t.  Moment later I discovered that that horrible smell was to be our dinner.

The food hasn’t improved since.

Yes, I’ll admit.  The food has easily been the worst culture shock I’ve encountered here.  I’d almost say it’s the only one that’s really affected me for bad.  But that’s a different rant for a different time.

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